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Create Hub | Hairizon Hub

Create Hub | Hairizon Hub company environment picture 1
Create Hub | Hairizon Hub company environment picture 1
Create Hub | Hairizon Hub company environment picture 2
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Our Story

Create Hub | Hairizon Hub

We started with the serendipitous encounter of our founder while sourcing for products for his wife's fledgling hair salon back in the 1980's. Having discovered the lack of reach of many innovative products, he decided to bring them in to his home country.  His first products came from Italy, and today, our portfolio encompasses many regions and product categories. 

Innovation | Entreprenuership

Extending our founder's penchant for innovation and entrepreneurship, we have embraced new ideas throughout the years, from pioneering the direct perm category to introducing the first hair irons in Malaysia. Today, we are at the next stage of growth and change as we delve into product development and building our own brand for both domestic and international markets. 

Our Address

23, Jalan Puteri 1/4, Bandar Puteri, 47100 Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia

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