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Rotiboy Group

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Rotiboy Group company environment picture 1
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Our Story

What We Do

Rotiboy started of as a Malaysian bakery chain brand based in Kuala Lumpur. Founded in Bukit Mertajam, Penang, Malaysia in 1998, driven by the Founder’s purpose in building an organisation that not only make life better for himself but also for the people and community around him, the brand has since grown internationally, serving freshly baked products in over 200 stores in Indonesia, South Korea, Middle East and China. 

We anticipate that the future will bring us to shores of more Asian markets and also to the American and European markets. 

Our Values & Philosophy

Rotiboy, as an institution is the realization of a desire by the founder to build something to improve his life and at the same time able to contribute to and make a positive difference to the people around him.

In this respect, serving and contributing to society and community is part of the values of the culture of Rotiboy, with the aspiration to touch and make a positive difference to the lives of the people of this world. 

Putting people interests before any commercial interests is the foundation of our business. 

It is also about building a culture that creates a conducive environment for learning and personal development and growth where we always seeking to push boundaries for a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come,  walk the talk, being consistent in values and being responsible for each of our own choices. 

It is about Rotiboy’s constant dedication to a culture of Excellence in all aspects in the bakery and retail industry, serving safe, quality products with personal and warm service. 

It is being honest and transparent with our business partners and associates in all dealings so as to ensure all parties benefits from any collaboration. Sharing challenges and harvest is our partnership philosophy. 

It is about practicing nature and earth friendly policies and practices so as to play our small part in preserving the planet for future generations. 

It is about practicing the Values of Integrity, Honesty, Responsibility and Morality in our daily lives in serving the needs of Rotiboy Friends, Fans and Community.

Company Benefits

First to sample Rotiboy Innovation !

Your voice is important to determine the success of Rotiboy's next Innovation.

Growth and Learning

Be a part of a community who supports each other to learn and grow everyday to be the best version of yourselves.

Competitive package & Store ownership

It's not something uncommon in Rotiboy world that employees turned franchisee themselves one day, and rose up to the management level as policymakers.

Everyone can be a star

Rotiboy is only 20yrs old, and very young at heart. We are looking for bright stars everyday to groom to become our next generation leaders.

Opportunity to travel the world

Rotiboy is aggresively travelling the world with its freshly baked products & brewed coffee, and you stand a chance to be part of all that actions !

Our Address

Lot 159, Jln Industri 2/2 Rawang Intergrated Industrial Park 48000 Rawang selangor

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