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The BIG Group

The BIG Group company environment picture 1
The BIG Group company environment picture 1
The BIG Group company environment picture 2
The BIG Group company environment picture 3
The BIG Group company environment picture 4
The BIG Group company environment picture 5
The BIG Group company environment picture 6

Our Story


Formed in early 2011, BIG is an ideology encapsulating the love for food and how it ties people and experiences together. The act of eating is pleasurable and emotional experience which we endeavor to celebrate and deliver to our customers.

"We try to shape The BIG Group on this philosophy and like an onion, we try to build it up layer by layer. The core idea is to help build relationships between people and good food. We work collectively as a group. We talk, we share ideas and these ideas tend to spin by themselves and we end up creating something big"

Chief Eating Officer, Benjamin Yong - Founder & Group

When it comes to food and people, no idea is deemed too crazy or impossible for The BIG Group. All it takes is an idea and compatible people to help push it forward and turn it into something BIG

The group is run by like-minded individuals who share the same love for food and insatiable appetite for crafting fabulous experiences. Together, as one BIG family, we continually strive to nurture the company's ideology in building relationships through food. 


We are a fast expanding group of companies offering great career growth and BIG opportunities. Join us to be part of an enthusiastic team of food and beverage industry veterans and newcomers who all take passionately to their craft of introducing to fellow gourmands an enriching lifestyle centered upon the love for goof food.

Our Address

Publika, 1, Jalan Dutamas, Solaris Dutamas, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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