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Crack The Code To Building An Employee-First Culture (Free Guide Inside!)

Long story short, how do you keep your star employees committed, for as long as the show goes on?

By Kimberly Chang on 2024-02-19 at 3:47 AM

Updated on 2025-03-13 at 7:13 AM

Imagine you're the conductor of a grand symphony, but instead of wielding a baton, you're guiding a diverse ensemble of professionals through the intricacies of the corporate world.

Each member of your team brings their own instrument to the stage, their unique talents harmonising to create a masterpiece and contribute to the overall success of the company.

The crowd hushes as you step forward to orchestrate a different kind of spectacle - the daily performance of your dedicated team, where employees are protagonists in their own narratives.

As the storyteller of this corporate saga, your challenge lies in retaining the cast of characters who bring your story to life, ensuring that each chapter unfolds with passion, purpose, and unparalleled talent.


Long story short, how do you keep your star performers committed, for as long as the show goes on?

The risk of employees walking out the door is always there. But by keeping our focus on building an employee-centric culture, we can at least make their decision to leave a little tougher, and even if they eventually do, they'll likely have a few good things to say about your company.

First, we need to look at why your employees may be disengaged at work and five things you can do about it.

Toxic Work Environment

The people you work with are equally important as your monthly paycheck and they bear a significant impact on an employee's decision to flee or stay.

If the company cultivates practices and core values that do not mesh with what employees believe in, they might start feeling the strain.

Any signs of manipulation, gaslighting, discrimination, and gossip are some solid indicators of a hostile work environment. Failure to address these concerns in a timely manner can exacerbate feelings of anxiety and isolation among employees, affecting the overall work culture. 


Inadequate Salaries And Benefits

When employees start feeling way more overworked than they should with no end in sight, it is a telltale sign of being unfairly compensated at work - which could potentially lead to burnout and mental exhaustion.

Think about whether the employee's salary is clearly aligned with their skills, experience, and market average. 

Are they constantly working overtime? Are they making decisions and fulfilling tasks that are way above their pay grade?

Lack Of Recognition

When was the last time you genuinely praised your employees without expecting them to work twice as hard on the next project? 

Getting paid for their work is one thing, getting appreciated when someone puts their heart and soul into something and nailed the execution, is a major boost for employee morale and performance. 

Your employees are not cogs in the wheel. Just like everyone else, they want to feel recognised for their individual contributions. When you start giving out well-deserved praises to your team, this helps them develop a deeper connection to the role and the company. They will want to do better

Limited Career Advancement

Staying in a stagnant role without a proper career development plan in place can be detrimental to one's personal and professional growth. Individuals may struggle to see the value in their current position and become disengaged from their work.

The lack of clearly defined objectives and opportunities for growth can hinder your employees from reaching their full potential - which diminishes their motivation and job satisfaction over time.


By prioritising these initiatives, organisations can create a more empathetic and supportive work environment, ultimately leading to stronger connections and increased engagement among employees:

  • Opportunities for Professional Development
  • Social Recognition and Monetary Rewards
  • Competitive Salaries and Benefits
  • Employee Wellness Programs
  • Flexible Work Arrangements


Your people are the heart of your company. Want to stay ahead of the curve and improve employee engagement in the workplace?

Get your free copies of our HR Starter Packs to see how you can drive employee success in your organisation:

Hiredly's Recruitment Tip:

If you haven't already, it's not too late to join the industry leaders who've posted jobs and found top talent with Hiredly!

Recruit only the best for your company with all the tools you need to attract, select and hire top talent - before getting started on fostering an employee-first culture.

Here's how we can help you.

By Kimberly Chang on 2024-02-19 at 3:47 AM


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