How a Video Cover Letter Can Land You a Job in Malaysia.
Looking for non-conventional ways to stand out to a hiring manager? Video Cover Letters can help you do just that.
By Kimberly Chang on 2023-11-27 at 7:12 AM
Updated on 2025-02-13 at 7:31 AM
Let's face it—job hunting in Malaysia can feel like a tedious cycle of sending out resumes and waiting for a callback. But what if you could break free from the usual routine and grab employers' attention in a way they won't forget? If you’re looking for ways to set yourself apart from other job seekers, we believe Video Cover Letters are the way to go. It adds a personal touch to your application, allowing employers to get a sense of who you are before you even step into an interview. Here’s what a video cover letter is all about and why it could be the edge you need to showcase your personality and make a lasting impression.
A video cover letter is just what it sounds like—a short video where you get to present yourself directly to employers. Think of it as giving them a sneak peek into your personality and letting them know why you’re a great fit for the role. Most video cover letters are 30 to 60 seconds long, making them a quick way to stand out without overwhelming the viewer.
Pro Tip: Think of it as an extension of your resume, not a replacement. It’s your chance to add some personality to your application!
You might be wondering, “Do I really need to go through the trouble of making a video?” Here’s why it could be totally worth it:
When it comes to job searching, resumes are the bare minimum; every job seeker will have one. However, only a few will go to the extent of creating a video cover letter. In a pile of resumes and written cover letters, your video will surely get you noticed.
This is especially vital if you are applying for customer-facing professions that demand frequent communication, such as sales or marketing. Even if you are looking for a more back-end position such as finance or software development, having a video cover letter will help distinguish you from those who often overlook the need for communication skills for these roles.
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You don’t have to wait to get called for an interview to tell your story when you have a video cover letter. Apart from injecting personality into your application, a video will give you the space to expand on your resume or mention interesting information that isn’t included in your resume.
So, you’re ready to give it a shot. Here’s how to make a video cover letter that’s sure to impress:
Before hitting record, plan out what you want to say first. This is a great chance to use your tried and true elevator pitch. Introduce yourself, your skills, interests, and what your career goals are.
For a more in-depth look at how to create the best self-introduction, read this article.
Pro Tip: Need a break? Take the Work Persona Quiz to rediscover your unique strengths and personality, and consider incorporating them into your introduction for a more authentic touch!
Your video cover letter shouldn’t be longer than 30 seconds. A long-winded video cover letter will risk losing the viewer’s interest. Keep it short and sweet and leave them curious to find out more!
Whether or not you need a script for your video cover letter will largely depend on what works best for you. For some people, having a few bullet points to highlight what is important will work well enough. For others, a thoroughly written script will make them feel more prepared.
In any case, avoid reading the points off the screen while recording. The goal is to make your video look natural and confident. So if you need to, rehearse a few times so you remember what to say.
The best part of an application video like this is that you can retake as many times you need! Remember that practice makes perfect, and the more you practice, the more confident you will be in your delivery. With each try, you might even find better ways to say your lines.
Besides knowing what to say, make sure you look presentable on camera! First impressions are important so run by this quick checklist so you can be sure you look great:
These tips also work great for online job interviews. Read more about it here.
By Kimberly Chang on 2023-11-27 at 7:12 AM