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Charby Sdn Bhd

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Charby Sdn Bhd company environment picture 1
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Our Story

Who are we

Charby Sdn Bhd was founded in 2017 with the aim to improve the way people charge their devices through continuous innovation.

So hop on board Charby Team--we are on our way to build an international consumer electronic brand. And we want you to be part of this blooming brand! So what do we do? We innovate smartphone charging accessories, to bring about a world where the struggle to keep your phone’s juice up is a thing of the past. And in amid our journey to the international stage, we aim, as well, to be the face of Malaysia’s technology brand.

What can you expect if you were to join us? Well, other than contributing to drawing us closer to a future of all-smartphone-uptime-and-no-battery-downtime world, you are also looking at an all-new, non-authoritarian work environment. Which means you get to take charge of your own direction, so long as it’s for Charby’s good. Plus, we are open to feedback from every member of the team; it’s what propels our growth. So, if you want your every step to make a difference, you’ve come to the right place.

By now, you must be wondering what we have done so far. We’ve made our first step in marching us toward a hassle-free technological world: launching Charby Sense on Indiegogo, which its campaign was fully funded in less than 24 hours. And now, we’re servicing our supporters from over 70 countries. In the mere 1 years since Charby was founded, we went and got ourselves backed by several prominent investors and awards, and notably, supported by Cradle and Platcom. 

So join us now, and come to the tech side ... we have free cookies and drinks.


Dying Battery Will Soon Be History

We are making a world where charging can be done anytime, anywhere come true

Company Benefits

Casual Dress Code

Dress however makes you comfy.

Ample Parking Spots

Getting a spot here is a breeze. And they’re free.

Space for Self-Growth

Plentiful opportunities for social events and trainings. Have your eyes on a class? Take a day off. Growth is at the heart of Charby.

More Flexible Working Hours

Come in 8 or 9, go home 5 or 6. Whichever it is, find the one that clicks.

Bonuses Available

Every hard work is paid. Every contribution is appreciated. The goods you do here will not go unseen.

Free Flow Snacks & Drinks

Hey, even machines need constant electricity. Eat away!

Our Address

71A, Jalan Flora 1/9, Taman Pulai Flora, 81300 Skudai, Johor

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