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myFirst Tech Sdn Bhd

myFirst Tech Sdn Bhd company environment picture 1
myFirst Tech Sdn Bhd company environment picture 1
myFirst Tech Sdn Bhd company environment picture 2
myFirst Tech Sdn Bhd company environment picture 3
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myFirst Tech Sdn Bhd company environment picture 5

Our Story

About Us

myFirst is a brand new collection for kids by OAXIS. myFirst specializes in kids and family wellness with its inauguration of the Kids Smartwatch - a 4G Music Smartwatch Phone with GPS & Video Call. myFirst was conceptualized to bridge the void in kid's technology where kid's toys are often limited to physical backdated toys. We recognize the need for kids to engage with technological advancements which helps in their cognitive learning ability. myFirst aims to enrich a child's learning process by molding experiences through fun and innovative products.

OAXIS is focused on developing innovative and design-oriented products and has won 29 International Design awards by iF Design and awarded more than 50 patents. A vibrant and energetic start-up environment, OAXIS provides the freedom to explore and showcase your talent to build a strong Singapore brand in the international arena.
Brand portfolio as below:
myFirst - Kids Tech Collection -
OAXIS - Company and fitness brand - 
InkCase - Electronics Paper Signage system -

Social Media:

Our Culture

Start up culture, vibrant, energetic and always be innovative

Our Address

60A, Jalan Tebrau, Kim Teng Park, 80300 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia

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