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ZENXIN ORGANIC FOOD company environment picture 1
ZENXIN ORGANIC FOOD company environment picture 1
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Our Story

For a HEALTHIER you and your next generations

ZENXIN Organic Food’s vision is to be the health foundation of 100 million households in Asia through sustainable organic food and agriculture.

As Malaysia and Singapore’s leading producer, distributor and retailer of organic produce, and also a member of International Federation of Organic Farm Movements (IFOAM), ZENXIN has successfully created a completely certified organic production chain comprising compost factory, organic farms and organic wholesaler certified by National Association for Sustainable Agriculture Australia (NASAA).

ZENXIN is also certified organic under myOrganic, as accredited by The Department of Agriculture, Malaysia.

With this vision in mind, ZENXIN strives to:

  • Develop and support organic agriculture for the greater good of Mother Earth.
  • Adopt organic principles pertaining to Health, Ecology, Fairness and Care which in turn supports ZENXIN’s direction in creating healthier soil, healthier food, healthier people and ultimately a healthier Earth
  • Commit to producing the highest quality organic food through sustainable farming practices and transparent operations with no adverse effect to consumers’ diet
  • Build a sustainable organic business to benefit consumers, societies, investors, coworkers, suppliers and all involved
  • Promote healthier organic and wholesome diet, encourage home cooking which in turn creates happy moments for families across the world
  • Be on an everyday mission to help our consumers reinvent and ultimately find a healthier version of themselves.

    Visit to find out more about ZENXIN

Sincerity + Honesty =>> Prosperity

In the ZENXIN family, we highlight values of ZENXIN People and these are a set of principles that we hold firmly and strongly in the work culture

  • Honest and sincerity make prosperity
  • Work diligently with clear direction and passion 
  • Helping and sharing with each other, with respect and empathy 
  • Accountability and integrity 
  • Product quality is the top priority
  • Making decision benchmarking on company’s priority
  • It can only be Better
  • Team work with love and care

Company Benefits

Clear Career Pathway

We will align with your expectation in career and help you to be successful in their career.

Staff Purchase

Enjoy great organic food at a friction of its price!

Trainings and Improvements

We identify your need in professional skills and provide trainings accordingly.

Bonus and Incentive

Be sure you will be rewarded with bonus and incentives if company achieves its target or hits milestones along the way!

Care and Guidance

Proper onboarding guidance will be provided with guidance, care and love.

Flat Organization

The top management is just a phone call away and we make sure your feedback is always heard!

Our Address

No. 8, Jalan Teknologi 1, Kawasan Perindustrian Mengkibol, 86000 Kluang, Johor.

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