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Hong Leong Asset Management

Hong Leong Asset Management company environment picture 1
Hong Leong Asset Management company environment picture 1
Hong Leong Asset Management company environment picture 2
Hong Leong Asset Management company environment picture 3

Our Story

Who We Are

Hong Leong Asset Management Bhd is an established asset management company offering a broad spectrum of investment solutions through equities, fixed income, money market and multi-assets. Our investors range from retail, corporates, state governments, charitable organisations and high net-worth individuals.

One of our advantages of being part of a conglomerate group is a better understanding of the overall changes in the market and economic environment. Our Group’s exposure into various sectors enables its subsidiaries to garner easier, faster, and more comprehensive access to information across all sectors. This plays a part in the fund management process to evaluate implications of these changes to investment outcomes.

Source: HLAM Site

Our Values



To provide products and services that consistently exceed customers' expectations

Human Resource

To enhance the quality of human resources as the essence of management excellence


To pursue management vision and foster entrepreneurship


To ensure oneness in purpose, harmony and friendship in the pursuit of prosperity for all


To nurture and be committed to innovation


To continuously improve existing operations and to position for expansion and new business opportunities


To conduct business with honour

Social Responsibility

To create wealth for the betterment of society

Source: HLAM Site

Company Benefits

Group Hospitalization and Surgical Coverage

Comprehensive hospitalization and surgical coverage for employees, with the option to extend coverage to immediate family members. ​

Salary Advance Employer Solution:

An earned wage access service that enables employees to access a portion of their earned salary at any time, providing financial flexibility.

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