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Lifestyle Motorsport

Lifestyle Motorsport company environment picture 1
Lifestyle Motorsport company environment picture 1
Lifestyle Motorsport company environment picture 2
Lifestyle Motorsport company environment picture 3

Our Story

Who We Are

Lifestyle Motorsport or otherwise also know as LMS is a rapidly growing brand that is well known in the motorsport industry. The company is in the business of distributing and retailing international motorsport apparels, safety equipments and accessories. Our portfolio of brands include - OMP Racing, Stilo Helmets, adidas Motorsports, Alpinestars, Bell Helmets, HRX Bespoke, Schroth Racing, Bengio, Arai, Coolshirt, Protex, Molecule, Racelogic and many more.

The Team and Culture

We are a young and dynamic team that is constantly looking for new and innovative ideas to grow the brand that we have in the Asia Pacific region. We believe that a person's greatness is what he/she sets for themselves and at Lifestyle Motorsport we constantly challenge our people to take charge and execute ideas that are inline with the vision and mission of the company which is to be the Leading Motorsport Service Provider In Asia Pacific. We practice a vibrant and energetic office culture that encourages open communication at all times.

Our Address

A-G-07 10 Boulevard Block Alamanda, Kampung Sungai Kayu Ara, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

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