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Preventive Healthcare Sdn Bhd

Preventive Healthcare Sdn Bhd company environment picture 1
Preventive Healthcare Sdn Bhd company environment picture 1
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Our Story


FantasticMoves is a strategic management firm at the forefront of Healthcare, Entertainment, Hospitality, Technology and e-Commerce.


Established in 2007, Preventive Healthcare quickly became one of Malaysia's leading companies in providing healthcare services and solutions partnering with Pantai Hospitals and KPJ Hospitals. On the same year we expanded our business to Indonesia and achieved similar success through our partnership with Siloam Hospitals.

Entertainment & Hospitality

2010 saw FantasticMoves venturing into the entertainment industry. We introduced The Hill at Damansara Heights followed by The Pool on Jalan Ampang. In 2013, we introduced one of Malaysia’s largest entertainment hubs when we launched The Roof, a premium integrated gastro and entertainment hub with 7 unique outlets, Stratosphere, Signature by The Hill, Yezi, Play Club KL, The Score, Hide and Malt & Leaf. 

Following these successes, in 2014 we started LifeJuice and became recognised as the preferred Cold Pressed Juice in Malaysia with 14 outlets strong to date. Driven by our passion for entertainment and hospitality we introduced the TheBBP in 2015, a cozy neighbourhood beer garden and barbecue pit in the suburbs of Bandar Utama.

Technology & e-Commerce

In 2015, we focused our attention towards the exciting world of tech startups and introduced Zoom, a platform that connects online shoppers, retailers, business and consumers to an on demand same day delivery specialists, ensuring fast and seamless delivery. 

At the same time we leveraged on our investment in DynaMax, an electronics manufacturing company in Shenzhen, China and introduced FIN, a user friendly Smart Home solution that enables you to access, control, monitor and secure your home from anywhere.

Our Address

Penthouse 1-11, Boulevard Office, Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra, 59200 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur

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