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REVE AGENCY SDN. BHD. company environment picture 1
REVE AGENCY SDN. BHD. company environment picture 1
REVE AGENCY SDN. BHD. company environment picture 2
REVE AGENCY SDN. BHD. company environment picture 3
REVE AGENCY SDN. BHD. company environment picture 4
REVE AGENCY SDN. BHD. company environment picture 5
REVE AGENCY SDN. BHD. company environment picture 6
REVE AGENCY SDN. BHD. company environment picture 7

Our Story

Protecting & Preserving Weatlh

Life happens, and our responsibilities is to let it happen with joy and love.
      Building the financial bridge between you and your love one is what we do.
We do this by preserving the value of your assets from the unexpected costs of a serious illness, disability, long term care need or premature death.

Do it Together

REVE is one of Allianz top 50 agency. We attained our success through our philosophies of embracing every member as working family yet achieved financial sustainability and growth. We act as supporting role to ensure a secure and comfortable lifestyle but also charting a better career path at every stage for all its’ employee life. A support and personal development guidance and training upgrade every member.

REVE是安联50强代理商之一。 我们通过将每个成员都视为工作家庭而实现财务可持续性和增长的理念来取得成功。 我们充当支持角色,确保安全舒适的生活方式,同时也为其所有员工生活的每个阶段制定更好的职业道路。 每个成员的支持和个人发展指导和培训升级。

Our People

      We try to magnify each other's strengths and encourage those who are weaker to help them to improve and cheer them on. So we establish a good rapport with each other.       

Margaret Chay

Company Director

Company Benefits

Growth and Improvement

Personal development opportunities 个人发展机会 -Self Development -Knowing your client -Leadership

Work Life Balance

Flexible working hours 自由工作时间 - Time is your friend - Work smart

Self Decide Earning Limit

Potential earning > RM10000 潜在收入高于RM10000 Commission and bonus 佣金和奖金

Fixed Income Scheme

24 Months Fixed Income starting from RM2000 (qualify candidate) 24月固定收入 从RM2000起

Our Address

46, M Floor, Jalan Kuchai Maju 10, Kuchai Entrepreneurs Park, 58200 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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