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MySpatial  company environment picture 1
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MySpatial  company environment picture 4

Our Story

Who We Are

MySpatial Sdn Bhd was incorporated in 2009 has been involved in the field of Geospatial Technology, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as well as Research and Development (R&D). We specialize in providing professional services and supplying products to both government and private sectors.

We have been involved in implementing prestigious and sizable projects that make us a reputable service provider. Apart from involvement in such projects, we are developing our own products to cater for increasing demands and sophistication of information, communications and Geospatial Technology.

In 2014, MySpatial was awarded MSC Status Company by Malaysia Multimedia Development Corporation (MDEC), recognizing our company as a fast-growing ICT organization. We are gearing towards achieving high levels of excellence by strengthening capital and resources. Strategically, we plan for an expansion and diversification program to enable us to be ahead and to meet the challenges of the information age.


Our Values


Our vision is to be the most trusted and prestigious Geospatial services provider in Malaysia.


MySpatial will provide outstanding Geospatial services and professional support to our clients to enable them to achieve their goals. To fulfill this mission, we will:

  • Provide the highest quality products and services possible.
  • Every Geospatial project must be a success.
  • Provide clear communications with our clients.
  • Ensure that the client’s needs are met at every stage of a project.
  • Provide lasting value in our products and services.
  • Build long term relationships that are mutually beneficial.


Company Benefits

Global exposure

Grow your career in Remote Sensing, Geoinformatics, Surveying, ICT and Data Science.

Professional growth

We have been involved in implementing prestigious and sizable projects that make us a reputable service provider!

Employee training opportunities

We are gearing towards achieving high levels of excellence by strengthening capital and resources to meet the challenges of the information age.

Our Address

Co9P Drone and Geospatial Technology Centre Level 1, Co9P Idea Tower, MTDC Technology Centre, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 1, UPM, 43400 Seri Kembangan, Selangor, Malaysia

Our Jobs

Filter by Specialisation

Information Technology - Pre-Sales / IT Business Analyst / Business Intelligence
Sales - General Sales
Sales - Telesales / Telemarketing

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