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Heveaboard Berhad

Heveaboard Berhad company environment picture 1
Heveaboard Berhad company environment picture 1
Heveaboard Berhad company environment picture 2
Heveaboard Berhad company environment picture 3

Our Story

Who We Are.

HeveaBoard Berhad ("HeveaBoard") was incorporated in 1993 as a private limited company under the name of HeveaBoard Sdn Bhd. The Company was converted into a public limited company in 2004 and assumed its present name, and was subsequently listed on the main board of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad in January 2005.

HeveaBoard and its subsidiaries manufacture, trade and distribute a wide range of particleboard and particleboard-based products. HeveaBoard takes the lead in the manufacturing of particleboard - a reconstituted wood panel derived from rubberwood residues, while its subsidiaries are involved in down stream particleboard based Ready-to-Assemble furniture manufacturing, trading and distribution of particleboard and wood panel related products.


Our Mission.

Corporate Mission


  • Strive to maximize the usage of rubberwood residues
  • Increase capacity for particleboard and value added finished products
  • Create more high skill employment opportunities for Malaysians


  • Apply innovations and research to lower production cost
  • Increase efficiency through energy-saving bio-mass plant


  • Optimize returns for shareholders of HeveaBoard through enhanced growth and efficiency


Company Benefits

Medical Insurance

At HeveaBoard, safety is our upmost priority. All employees will receive medical coverage for them with the inclusion on a Personal Accident Insurance

Career Growth

We support the growth of our employees, giving them opportunity to learn in the workspace.

Travel Compensation

You will get to claim the travels that you've done for the company if needed.

Our Address

Lot 1942, Heveawood Ind'l Park, Batu 3, Jalan Tampin, 73400 Gemas, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia

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