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UMAI Restaurant Software

UMAI Restaurant Software company environment picture 1
UMAI Restaurant Software company environment picture 1
UMAI Restaurant Software company environment picture 2
UMAI Restaurant Software company environment picture 3
UMAI Restaurant Software company environment picture 4
UMAI Restaurant Software company environment picture 5

Our Story

In Japanese, UMAI means “of good taste.”

We incorporate this philosophy into every aspect of our company. Our goal is to become THE go-to software solution for fast-service and full-service restaurants in every metropolis on the planet. Using cutting-edge, intelligent software, we create a customized dining experience and provide the food & beverage industry with a powerful, easy-to-use tool to manage their businesses.

We are not interested in being competitive, or good. We want to be badass.

UMAI provides software that helps restaurants save time and increase revenue by automating manual tasks, integrating with various digital platforms to accept reservations online, minimize last-minute cancellations, upsell customers more effectively and provide more personalized service.

International Environment

Imagine this: You walk into a room buzzing with the energy of dozens of super-smart, high-performing individuals from 15 countries (and counting). The whiteboards are crammed with ideas, and conversation is constantly flowing.

Our Address

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