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Malayan United Industries

Malayan United Industries  company environment picture 1
Malayan United Industries  company environment picture 1
Malayan United Industries  company environment picture 2
Malayan United Industries  company environment picture 3

Our Story

Who We Are.

Malayan United Industries Berhad (MUI) is listed on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad. It was incorporated in Malaysia on 28 May 1960 and listed on 30 June 1971.

MUI is an investment holding company. Through its subsidiaries and associated companies, the MUI Group is primarily engaged in retailing, hotels, food & confectionery and property development.

With its corporate headquarters based in Malaysia, the Group’s international operations span the United Kingdom, Continental Europe, the United States of America (USA) and the Asia Pacific region.


Our History.

We are a reputable public-listed company of over 50 years of history with extensive interests in retailing, hotel, food and confectionery, property and financial services.  With corporate headquarters based in Malaysia, our international operations span the Asia Pacific region, the United Kingdom, Continental Europe and the United States. 

Company Benefits

Annual Leave

You're entitled to annual leave when you're with us!

Medical Benefits

You'll get medical benefits when you sign in as an employee!

Travel Allowance

We provide travel allowance for all employees travelling for our company.

Our Address

189, Jln Ampang, Taman U Thant, 55000 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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